

发布时间:2023-09-25 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
The widely used distributed photovoltaic power generation system is a photovoltaic power generation project built on the roof of urban buildings. This type of project must be connected to the public power grid and supply power to nearby users together with the public power grid. So, where are suitable places to install distributed photovoltaic power generation systems?
1. Industrial factory buildings: Especially in factories with high electricity consumption and high online electricity prices, the roof area of the factory buildings is usually large, with open and flat roofs, suitable for installing photovoltaic arrays; Moreover, due to the high electricity load, distributed photovoltaic grid connected systems can achieve on-site consumption, offsetting a portion of online electricity purchases, thereby saving users' electricity bills.
2. Commercial buildings have a similar effect to industrial parks, with the difference being that most commercial buildings have cement roofs, which are more conducive to installing photovoltaic arrays. However, there are often requirements for building aesthetics. According to the characteristics of service industries such as commercial buildings, office buildings, hotels, conference centers, and resorts, the user load characteristics are generally higher during the day and lower at night, which can better match the photovoltaic power generation characteristics.
3. Agricultural facilities: There are a large number of available roofs in rural areas, including self owned residential roofs, vegetable greenhouses, fish ponds, etc. Rural areas are often located at the forefront of the public power grid, resulting in poor power quality. Building distributed photovoltaic systems in rural areas can improve electricity security and quality.
4. Municipal and other public buildings: Due to standardized management, relatively reliable user load and commercial behavior, and high installation enthusiasm, municipal and other public buildings are also suitable for centralized and connected construction of distributed photovoltaics.
5、边远农牧区及海岛:由于距离电网遥远,我国西藏、青海、新疆、内蒙古、甘肃、四川等省份的边 远农牧区以及我国沿海岛屿还有数百万无电人口,离网型光伏系统或与其它能源互补微网发电系统非常适合在这些地区应用。
5. Remote agricultural and pastoral areas and islands: Due to their distance from the power grid, remote agricultural and pastoral areas in provinces such as Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Sichuan, and coastal islands in China still have millions of people without electricity. Off grid photovoltaic systems or microgrid power generation systems that complement other energy sources are very suitable for application in these areas.
The above is the content introduced by the distributed photovoltaic power generation system manufacturer. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content //tianjibiotech.com If you want to learn more, welcome to call for consultation!
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