

发布时间:2023-09-22 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
(1) The large area of industrial and commercial rooftops is a major idle resource for the company! It can be developed and utilized to provide enterprises with an additional channel for revenue growth, and photovoltaic power stations have high profits.
(2) The country implements tiered electricity prices, which require a large amount of electricity for industry and commerce, resulting in expensive electricity bills. After installing the power station, industrial and commercial users can use the electricity generated by photovoltaic power stations to reduce the cost of electricity consumption for enterprises. In addition, they can also adopt a spontaneous self use surplus electricity grid model, selling the remaining electricity to the country and obtaining a profit.
(3) The country is vigorously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, and many enterprises are facing pressure from energy-saving and environmental protection brands. Installing photovoltaic power stations can reduce carbon emissions and establish a good image for enterprises.
(4) Some economically developed cities have excessive electricity loads, leading to power shortages! Installing photovoltaic power stations can alleviate electricity shortages and reduce electricity pressure.
(5) The industrial and commercial roof area is large, and the installation capacity is large!
(6) Good lighting, industrial and commercial roofs are generally far away from residential areas, and the surrounding light is not obstructed, resulting in high power generation efficiency!
(7) Good cooling and insulation effect!
  • TEL:0531-82390078
  • TEL:18805312017
  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com
  • 公司地址: 济南市历下区山大路157号
  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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