

发布时间:2024-06-07 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


  What is photovoltaic power generation? The working principle of photovoltaic power generation is a technology that utilizes the photovoltaic effect at the semiconductor interface to directly convert light energy into electrical energy. The key component of this technology is solar cells. After being connected in series and packaged for protection, solar cells can form large-area solar cell modules, which are combined with power controllers and other components to form photovoltaic power generation devices. The advantage of photovoltaic power generation is that it is less restricted by geographical conditions, as sunlight shines on the earth; Photovoltaic systems also have the advantages of safety, reliability, no noise, low pollution, no need to consume fuel, on-site power generation and short construction period without installing transmission lines.


  Photovoltaic power generation is based on the principle of photovoltaic effect, using solar cells to directly convert solar energy into electricity. Whether used independently or connected to the grid for power generation, photovoltaic power generation systems mainly consist of three parts: solar panels (components), controllers, and inverters. They are mainly composed of electronic components and do not involve mechanical components. Therefore, photovoltaic power generation equipment is extremely refined, reliable, stable, with a long lifespan and easy installation and maintenance. In theory, photovoltaic power generation technology can be used in any situation that requires power, from spacecraft to household power sources, from megawatt level power plants to toys, photovoltaic power is everywhere. The most basic component of solar photovoltaic power generation is solar cells, including monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, and thin-film cells. At present, single crystal and polycrystalline batteries have the largest usage, while amorphous batteries are used for some small systems and auxiliary power supplies for calculators.


  The efficiency of domestically produced crystalline silicon batteries is around 10% to 13%, while the efficiency of similar foreign products is about 12% to 14%. A solar panel composed of one or more solar cells is called a photovoltaic module. At present, photovoltaic power generation products are mainly used in three aspects: firstly, to provide power for non electric fields, mainly for the daily life and production of residents in non electric areas, as well as microwave relay power, communication power, etc. In addition, it also includes some mobile power sources and backup power sources; The second is solar powered daily electronic products, such as various solar chargers, solar street lights, and solar lawn lights; The third is grid connected power generation, which has been widely promoted and implemented in developed countries. China's grid connected power generation has not yet started, but some of the electricity used for the 2008 Beijing Olympics will be provided by solar and wind power.20221207083903398_03

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