

发布时间:2023-10-02 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
工商业BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaics)建筑一体化光伏指的是将光伏发电系统与建筑外观进行融合,使光伏组件成为建筑的一部分。其特点主要包括以下几个方面:
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) refers to the integration of photovoltaic power generation systems with the exterior of buildings, making photovoltaic modules a part of the building. Its characteristics mainly include the following aspects:
1. 美观性:BIPV光伏系统能够与建筑外观完美融合,不破坏建筑的整体美感,避免了传统的光伏系统所带来的视觉冲突和环境影响。
1. Aesthetics: BIPV photovoltaic systems can perfectly integrate with the exterior of buildings, without damaging the overall aesthetic of the building, avoiding the visual conflicts and environmental impacts brought about by traditional photovoltaic systems.
2. 综合性能:BIPV光伏系统不仅能够发电,还具备建筑外护、隔热、防水等功能。通过光伏发电同时提供建筑保温、节能等综合效益,提高了建筑的整体能源利用效率。
2. Comprehensive performance: BIPV photovoltaic systems not only generate electricity, but also have functions such as building exterior protection, insulation, and waterproofing. By providing comprehensive benefits such as building insulation and energy conservation through photovoltaic power generation, the overall energy utilization efficiency of buildings has been improved.
3. 空间利用率高:BIPV光伏系统可以灵活应用于建筑的外墙、屋顶、阳台、幕墙等位置,有效利用建筑表面空间进行光伏发电,大限度地提高了发电功率密度。
3. High space utilization: BIPV photovoltaic systems can be flexibly applied to exterior walls, roofs, balconies, curtain walls, and other locations of buildings, effectively utilizing the surface space of buildings for photovoltaic power generation, maximizing the power density of power generation.
4. 环境友好:BIPV光伏系统采用清洁能源进行发电,无燃料消耗、无污染物排放,对环境影响较小,符合可持续发展的理念。
4. Environmentally friendly: BIPV photovoltaic systems use clean energy for power generation, without fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, with minimal environmental impact and in line with the concept of sustainable development.
5. 维护成本低:BIPV光伏系统集成于建筑中,相比传统锁定式光伏系统更容易进行日常维护和保养,降低了维护成本。
5. Low maintenance cost: BIPV photovoltaic systems are integrated into buildings, making it easier to perform daily maintenance and upkeep compared to traditional locked in photovoltaic systems, reducing maintenance costs.
6. 可持续性发展:BIPV光伏系统能够利用建筑表面空间进行发电,为建筑提供自给自足的能源支持,促进了可持续发展的实现。
6. Sustainable development: BIPV photovoltaic systems can utilize building surface space for power generation, providing self-sufficient energy support for buildings, and promoting the realization of sustainable development.
In summary, BIPV photovoltaic building integration has the characteristics of aesthetics, good comprehensive performance, high space utilization, environmental friendliness, low maintenance costs, and sustainable development.
  • TEL:0531-82390078
  • TEL:18805312017
  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com
  • 公司地址: 济南市历下区山大路157号
  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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