

发布时间:2024-06-13 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


  Photovoltaic, photovoltaic effect: The full name is the photovoltaic effect. It is a phenomenon where an object absorbs photons and generates an electromotive force. When an object is illuminated, the distribution of charges inside the object changes, resulting in an effect of electromotive force and current.


  Photovoltaic power generation: A power generation technology that utilizes the photovoltaic effect to directly convert solar energy into electrical energy.


  Measurement units: watts (W), kilowatts (KW), megawatts (MW), gigawatts (GW), and terawatts (TW).


  Calculation formula: 1TW=1000GW=1000000MW=1000000000KW=10000000000W




  The energy unit of electricity is kilowatt hours (KWh), which means 1 kilowatt hour of electricity is equivalent to 1 kilowatt hour of electricity.


  Inverter: One of the key equipment in solar photovoltaic power generation systems, its function is to convert the direct current generated by solar cells into alternating current that meets the quality requirements of the power grid.

  组串式逆变器:组串式逆变器是对几组(一般为 1-4 组)光伏组串进行单独的最大功率峰值跟踪,再经过逆变以后并入交流电网,一台组串式逆变器可以有多个最大功率峰值跟踪模块,功率相对较小,主要应用于分布式发电系统,集中式光伏发电系统。

  Series inverter: Series inverter is a device that tracks the maximum power peak of several sets (usually 1-4 sets) of photovoltaic strings separately, and then integrates them into the AC power grid after inversion. A series inverter can have multiple maximum power peak tracking modules with relatively small power, mainly used in distributed power generation systems and centralized photovoltaic power generation systems.


  Installed capacity: After being connected in series and packaged for protection, solar cells can form large-area solar cell modules, which are combined with power controllers and other components to form a photovoltaic power generation device. The power generated by this device is the installed capacity.


  Capacity ratio: The ratio of the component capacity of a photovoltaic power station to the inverter capacity. (Capacity ratio=installed capacity of photovoltaic system/rated capacity of photovoltaic system), appropriately increasing the capacity ratio within a certain range can improve the utilization rate of other equipment, dilute investment costs, reduce costs and power generation costs, and also make the output smoother, improving grid friendliness.

  AGC:自动发电控制(Automatic Generation Control),即有功控制系统,接收远动装置信号,响应调度下发的遥调指令,通过AGC模块总策略优化计算,使运行数据满足调度并网要求。

  AGC: Automatic Generation Control, also known as active power control system, receives signals from remote control devices, responds to remote adjustment instructions issued by scheduling, optimizes and calculates the overall strategy of the AGC module, and ensures that the operating data meets the requirements of scheduling and grid connection.

  AVC:自动电压控制(Automatic Voltage Control),即无功电压调节,根据电网电压曲线,快速响应调度指令,自动调节无功功率、无功补偿装置等控制策略及响应时间,达到电压调节目标,降低网损。

  AVC: Automatic Voltage Control, which refers to reactive voltage regulation. Based on the voltage curve of the power grid, it quickly responds to scheduling instructions, automatically adjusts control strategies and response time such as reactive power and reactive compensation devices to achieve voltage regulation goals and reduce network losses.

  光伏电站低压穿越技术(Low Voltage Ride Through):是指当电网故障或扰动引起的光伏电站并网点电压波动时,在一定的范围内,光伏电站能够不间断地并网运行。

  Low Voltage Ride Through technology for photovoltaic power plants refers to the ability of photovoltaic power plants to operate continuously within a certain range of grid connected voltage fluctuations caused by grid faults or disturbances.


  Average conversion efficiency: an indicator of the ability of a solar cell to convert light energy into electrical energy. The ratio of the optimal output power of a solar cell to the solar radiation power projected onto its surface.

  平准化度电成本:Levelized Cost of Energy,缩写为 LCOE,简称度电成本。对项目生命周期内的成本和发电量先进行平准化,再计算得到的发电成本,即生命周期内的成本现值/生命周期内的发电量现值。

  Levelized Cost of Energy, abbreviated as LCOE, abbreviated as kWh cost. The cost and power generation within the project lifecycle are first leveled, and then the power generation cost is calculated, which is the present value of cost over the lifecycle divided by the present value of power generation over the lifecycle.


  Affordable internet access: includes two layers of meanings: generation side parity and user side parity. Power generation parity refers to the ability of photovoltaic power generation to achieve reasonable profits even if purchased at the grid price of traditional energy sources (without subsidies); User side parity refers to the fact that the cost of photovoltaic power generation is lower than the selling price, and can be divided into industrial, commercial, and residential user side parity based on the type of user and their purchasing cost.


  Benchmark grid electricity price: The National Development and Reform Commission sets the purchase price (including tax) for centralized photovoltaic power station grid connected power generation by power grid companies.


  The utilization hours of power generation equipment: the average operating hours of a region's power generation equipment capacity under full load operating conditions during a certain period of time, which is the ratio of electricity generation to average installed capacity, reflecting the utilization rate of power generation equipment in that region. The formula is utilization hours=power generation/installed capacity (pay attention to units)20221206031006955_03


  Annual utilization hours: the average full load operation time of a generator set within one year; The proportion of utilization hours of power generation equipment in the annual 8760 hours is also known as "equipment utilization rate".

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