

发布时间:2023-09-20 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
The photovoltaic effect can occur in both liquid and solid materials, but only solids (especially semiconductor PN junction devices) have higher photoelectric conversion efficiency under sunlight irradiation. Using the principle of photovoltaic effect to produce crystalline silicon solar cells, the solar energy can be directly converted into electrical energy. The energy converter of solar photovoltaic power generation is solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells, which are the foundation and core components of solar photovoltaic power generation systems. The process of converting solar energy into electrical energy mainly includes three steps:
(1) After solar cells absorb photons of a certain amount of energy, electron hole pairs are generated in semiconductors, known as "photo generated charge carriers". The polarity of the two is opposite, with electrons negatively charged and holes positively charged.
(2) Photogenerated charge carriers with opposite polarity are separated by the electrostatic field generated by the semiconductor PN junction.
(3) Photogenerated current carrying electrons and holes are collected by the positive and negative electrodes of the solar cell, respectively, and generate current in the external circuit to obtain electrical energy.
The principle of solar photovoltaic power generation is shown in the following figure. When light shines on the surface of a solar cell, a portion of the photons are absorbed by the silicon material, and the energy of the photons is transferred to the silicon atoms, causing electrons to undergo transitions and become free electrons, which gather on both sides of the PN junction to form a potential difference. When the external circuit is connected, under the action of this voltage, a current will flow through the external circuit to generate a certain output power. The essence of this process is the conversion of photon energy into electrical energy.
In a solar power generation system, the overall efficiency of the system η It is determined by the photoelectric conversion efficiency, controller efficiency, battery efficiency, inverter efficiency, and load efficiency of solar cell components. At present, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cells is only about 17%. Therefore, improving the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cell modules and reducing the unit power cost of solar photovoltaic power generation systems are the key and difficult points of the industrialization of solar photovoltaic power generation. Since the advent of solar cells, crystalline silicon has maintained a dominant position as the main material. At present, research on the conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells mainly focuses on increasing the energy absorbing surface (such as using double-sided cells to reduce reflection), using impurity absorption technology and passivation process to improve the conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells, and making the cells ultra-thin.
Currently, solar photovoltaic power generation systems are mainly applied in the following three major areas.
(1) To provide power for electric field free integration, mainly for the daily life and production of residents in areas without electricity, as well as for microwave relay stations and mobile phone base stations.
(2) Solar daily electronic products, such as various solar chargers, solar street lights, and solar lawn lights.
(3) Grid connected power generation, i.e. connected to the national power grid. China's photovoltaic grid connected power generation has become very mature. Since 2013, the country has introduced a series of policies to promote photovoltaic power generation, encouraging the construction of photovoltaic power generation facilities for businesses, households, public buildings, and other areas where conditions permit.
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