

发布时间:2023-09-18 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
Distributed photovoltaic power generation currently faces both opportunities and challenges, with the determination of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals injecting vitality into the renewable energy market mainly reflected in the development of photovoltaic and wind power, which creates great market opportunities for the development of photovoltaic. The country's support and supportive policies for new energy have promoted the positive and healthy growth of the industry.
一 . 分布式光伏发展机遇
I Opportunities for distributed photovoltaic development
In recent years, the country has issued a series of policies, giving priority to supporting the development of distributed photovoltaic power generation, focusing on supporting distributed photovoltaic power generation to be connected to low-voltage distribution networks and consumed nearby, promoting the whole county and other policies to vigorously promote distributed photovoltaic power generation, and encouraging the combination of comprehensive utilization of barren hills and coastal mudflat, coal mining subsidence areas and other waste land treatment, facility agriculture, fishery and aquaculture. Carry out various "photovoltaic+" application projects according to local conditions.
Secondly, the development of photovoltaic technology has led to a significant decrease in the prices of photovoltaic related products. The decrease in construction costs and the economic benefits of clean electricity have stimulated investment enthusiasm. The annual return on investment in most regions is above 10%.
The third is the widespread recognition and acceptance of photovoltaic power generation technology. In recent years, the widespread application of photovoltaic power generation and the development of photovoltaic poverty alleviation have made photovoltaic power generation widely known, with mature technology, high commercialization level, simple operation and maintenance. Photovoltaic power generation has gradually become a hot investment topic.
The fourth is that the scale of distributed photovoltaic construction is relatively small, with good mobility. It can fully utilize idle rooftop resources such as factory buildings and commercial buildings, and intensively utilize resources such as agricultural facilities to install photovoltaic power generation, which can be consumed nearby and reduce energy loss caused by long-distance transmission. There is basically no problem of abandoning light and limiting electricity.
二 . 分布式光伏的挑战
II The Challenge of Distributed Photovoltaics
There are also many challenges and risks in investing in photovoltaic power generation. Firstly, policy subsidies are decreasing year by year. For areas with poor radiation resources, there is a risk of low economic benefits or even inability to recoup investment in the construction of photovoltaic power stations. The photovoltaic power generation industry is highly dependent on policies, and enterprises mainly rely on subsidies to achieve profits.
Secondly, the space for price reduction in the photovoltaic industry and products has narrowed, and materials such as polycrystalline silicon, silicon wafers, and glass are even showing a trend of price increase. The industry competition is fierce, and the pressure on enterprise management is high.
The third is that the photovoltaic construction sites in the eastern power generation area have become scarce resources. The lack of sites or roofs has led to an increase in the rental prices of sites or roofs, which in turn has led to an increase in the investment cost of power stations, further exacerbating the contradiction and risk of investment and recovery in photovoltaic power generation.
光伏发电的另一个挑战是从业人员特别是技术人员的稀缺,随着光伏发电产业的大发展,需要大量具备光伏发电建设技能和较为丰富经验的人才。目前,该行业不仅缺乏大量设计、建设人才,同时也缺乏的运维、管理人才, 要健全生产运维和管理队伍建设,积极开展对经营户用光伏、光伏扶贫等电站的运维人员的技术培训,确保运维人员持证上岗,保证已经建成的光伏电站能够正常运行。
Another challenge of photovoltaic power generation is the scarcity of practitioners, especially professional and technical personnel. With the rapid development of the photovoltaic power generation industry, a large number of professional talents with photovoltaic power generation construction skills and relatively rich experience are needed. At present, the industry not only lacks a large number of design and construction talents, but also professional operation, maintenance, and management talents. It is necessary to improve the construction of production, operation, and management teams, actively carry out technical training for operation and maintenance personnel of household photovoltaic, photovoltaic poverty alleviation, and other power stations, ensure that operation and maintenance personnel hold certificates to work, and ensure that the completed photovoltaic power stations can operate normally.
三 . 光伏电站建设和运行中的风险
III Risks in the construction and operation of photovoltaic power plants
There are still many risks in the construction and operation of photovoltaic power stations. The main risks faced by photovoltaic power plants throughout their entire lifecycle are:
01 场地风险
01 Site Risk
The construction site of distributed photovoltaic power stations is relatively complex, usually including wasteland, abandoned mine settlement areas, building roofs, water surfaces, etc. The subsidence of the construction site in the waste mining area, the load on the building roof, and other risks need to be understood during investment and effectively avoided in the early stages of the project.
02 场地产权风险
02 Property Rights Risks of the Site
Many distributed photovoltaics are built through site leasing or cooperation, and cannot obtain property rights certificates. During the operation period of over 20 years, changes in the ownership of the construction site or building roof will result in corporate credit risks such as the persistence of property rights or usage rights, which can easily lead to disputes. Especially if homeowners and factory tenants change, there may be significant changes in their roof leasing, electricity consumption, and other situations, which may pose risks to the consumption and grid connection of power stations that are self used or self used, or have surplus electricity connected to the grid.
03 电网结构变化带来的并网风险
03 Grid connection risks brought about by changes in grid structure
Due to the current dominance of coal thermal power generation in China, which has a large inertia, the response speed to photovoltaic, wind power peak shaving, and scheduling is slow. At the same time, with the construction of a large number of industrial and commercial rooftop power plants, distributed photovoltaic power generation for residential households, and a large number of connections to the user side power grid, there will be risks such as high grid voltage, increased fluctuations, overvoltage tripping of photovoltaic inverters, and inability to generate electricity normally, as well as damage to user electrical appliances. Therefore, how to grasp the risks of renewable energy grid connection will become an important topic that the power grid needs to study.
04 电价风险
04 Electricity Price Risk
With the development of renewable energy generation, there is also a risk of price fluctuations or price reductions. Although the risk of price reductions is relatively small, this risk always exists.
05 电站设备质量和寿命风险
05 Power Station Equipment Quality and Life Risk
Although the main equipment performance and lifespan of photovoltaic power stations can meet a service life of more than 20 years, some components and inverters still suffer from short-term damage, especially some equipment produced by individual manufacturers with serious quality problems, making it difficult to achieve the expected service life.
06 自然灾害风险
06 Natural Disaster Risk
Photovoltaic power stations have a large investment and a long investment return cycle, and are at high risk of interference from uncertain factors such as natural disasters. The safe, stable, and efficient operation of photovoltaic power stations is crucial to ensuring investment recovery. Photovoltaic power stations are installed in open fields, rooftops, and other places, and the operating environment is relatively harsh. Irresistible natural disasters such as lightning, hurricanes, floods, hail, and snow can cause component damage to photovoltaic power generation Massive damage such as bracket tilting.
07 运行事故风险
07 Risk of operational accidents
There are still many operational accident risks in the operation of photovoltaic power stations. Although the operation and maintenance costs are relatively low after the completion of photovoltaic power stations, the risks they face still exist. Hot spots and poor contact of joints can cause damage to circuits and equipment, and in severe cases, can lead to serious fire accidents and significant economic losses.
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  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com
  • 公司地址: 济南市历下区山大路157号
  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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