

发布时间:2023-09-14 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
The output power is relatively small, and the scale can be flexibly adjusted
The capacity of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects ranges from several kilowatts to several megawatts, and the output power is much smaller than that of large ground photovoltaic power plants; The scale can be adjusted through the modular design of photovoltaic power generation; The capacity of the photovoltaic system can be adjusted based on factors such as roof area and construction conditions; The installation method is relatively flexible and suitable for decentralized construction in areas with concentrated energy consumption.
The project has less pollution and outstanding environmental benefits
Distributed photovoltaic power generation, like other new energy projects, does not cause pollution or noise during the power generation process, nor does it cause pollution to air and water. It is suitable for development in livable and remote urban areas, and is also an effective means of preventing haze and achieving energy-saving and emission reduction goals.
Coexistence of power generation and consumption, with low transmission line losses
Large scale ground photovoltaic power generation is connected to the transmission network through boosting voltage, and only serves as a power source to participate in grid operation. Distributed photovoltaic power generation is connected to the distribution network, directly used for power generation, and most of it can be consumed locally. Due to the lack of long-distance transmission, there is no line loss and it is directly consumed in the distribution network, with a utilization rate generally higher than that of ground photovoltaic power plants.
Close to the load center, with little impact on the power grid
Distributed photovoltaics are generally distributed in the central and eastern load centers, selling electricity directly to large industrial and commercial residential users, without the need for long-distance transmission, saving power grid costs. The scale is generally smaller than ground connected photovoltaic power stations, and the impact on frequency and voltage fluctuations in the power grid is limited.
Saving land resources and development costs
Distributed photovoltaic power station projects do not need to be developed on concentrated and contiguous land, thus effectively saving land resources and improving the utilization efficiency of idle rooftop factories. At the same time, in the context of the increasing demand for electricity by large industrial and commercial enterprises, homeowners have the initiative to build distributed photovoltaic power plants, and project development costs are generally lower than those of large-scale grid connected photovoltaic power plants.
Disadvantages of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Plants
There are many participants and uncertain factors increase
Distributed photovoltaic power plants involve a large number of rooftop owners and energy consuming enterprises. Due to the diversity of dispersion during project implementation, the business models derived from them are also different, and their uncertain factors are generally more than those of ground photovoltaic power plant projects. For example, some projects may encounter uncertain factors such as force majeure contract risks in the transfer of rooftop ownership. Therefore, the development and operation of distributed photovoltaic power plants is more complex than large grid connected photovoltaic power plants.
Low efficiency of electricity bill settlement
At present, the settlement of electricity bills in distributed photovoltaic power stations mostly adopts the method of contract energy management, lacking the guarantee of collection and performance. Due to the impact of the business situation of electricity consuming enterprises, the timely and stable recovery of electricity bills is worth paying attention to.
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