

发布时间:2023-12-25 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


1、 Which installation form to use


The method of installing photovoltaic modules on different roofs also varies, and common installation methods include additional type, ballast type, and pile foundation type.


If the roof belongs to the color steel tile type, additional types are generally considered, and the components are directly laid flat on the color steel tile. Especially for general color steel tile roofs that do not have parapets, using a flat type has a good windproof effect for safety; In addition, the color steel tile roof also has a certain inclination angle. Although it may not be the optimal inclination angle for photovoltaic power generation, the cost of renovation caused by increasing the inclination angle also needs to be comprehensively considered.


For cement roofs, they are usually flat, and the common installation methods are compression type and concrete foundation pile foundation type, as shown in the above figure.


Many times, building owners are not allowed to drill holes on concrete flat roofs because they are concerned about the strength of the old building or do not want to change the waterproof performance of the roof. This is the reason for choosing ballast type or concrete foundation installation.


Due to the lack of anchoring connection with the roof, the side of the ballast type can be considered for windproof treatment, especially for cement roofs without parapets.


The main purpose of a concrete foundation is to ensure that the support system remains intact even during stormy seasons. It ensures good installation without causing roof leakage, and can also improve the efficiency of solar cell modules, reducing the obstruction of sunlight by parapets.


2、 Flat roof does not mean flat installation


Installing photovoltaic modules on a flat roof using a tiled method seems to be a presumptuous approach. Not only can the installation volume/area be maximized, but it is also possible to use photovoltaic modules as roof ceilings, increasing the space area.


But in fact, installing photovoltaics on a flat roof does not mean that you should also set its inclination to 0 degrees. We need to consider many factors and avoid flat installation, including:

l 平铺组件容易积灰,积灰可能造成10%甚至30%的发电量损失;

Flat components are prone to dust accumulation, which can cause a 10% or even 30% loss of power generation;

l 清洗更不方便,积水不易流出;

Cleaning is more inconvenient and stagnant water is less likely to flow out;

l 与倾斜安装相比,发电量将减少;

Compared to inclined installation, the power generation will be reduced;

l 投资回报期将更长;

The investment return period will be longer;

l 可能无法靠自然降雨来去除积灰;

It may not be possible to rely on natural rainfall to remove accumulated dust;


There will be significant differences in the power generation between tilted and pure flat photovoltaic arrays. By simulating a 11.2kWp solar system, the tilt angles are 10 degrees, 5 degrees, and 0 degrees, respectively.


The simulation results show that if the inclination angle is 0 degrees, the annual power generation of the 11.2kWp system is about 13480.3kWh, while at a 5 degree inclination angle, the annual power generation of the system reaches 14066.9kWh. In fact, when the inclination angle is 10 degrees, the annual power generation of the system reaches 14520kWh.



From the results, it can be seen that for every 5 degree increase, the system generates an annual increase of 500kWh of electricity (after 15 degrees, the increase will significantly decrease, and even lower after exceeding the optimal inclination angle). Moreover, the above simulation has not taken into account the power generation loss caused by ash accumulation during low inclination installation.


It is recommended that if you are not willing to use the best angle for installation, the installation angle should be as high as possible. If it is necessary to lay flat, it is recommended to also design the inclination angle between 5-10 degrees. For a flat roof, an angle of 5-10 degrees is already sufficient, while for a color steel tile roof, an angle of more than 3 degrees is generally left. Compared to the additional cost of increasing the inclination angle, letting nature take its course and following the slope is also a good choice.


3、 Flat roof installation must consider wind speed


In the design phase of solar systems, it is necessary to consider the possible high wind speeds in the local area, especially in areas with wind speeds exceeding 180 kilometers per hour.

普通的平屋顶太阳能发电系统可以承受160 km / h(十三级台风)的风速,但如果没有女儿墙挡风,阵列间没有考虑防风,局部区域因气流而造成的瞬间风速会远远超过实际的风速。

A regular flat roof solar power generation system can withstand wind speeds of 160 km/h (a Category 13 typhoon), but without parapet walls for wind protection and without considering wind protection between arrays, the instantaneous wind speed caused by airflow in local areas will far exceed the actual wind speed.


Thank you for reading. The source of this article is: Industrial and Commercial Photovoltaic Power Generation. For more information and questions, please click: //tianjibiotech.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!

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