

发布时间:2023-12-22 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


(1) Make full use of idle industrial and commercial roofs


Fully develop and utilize idle industrial and commercial roofs. Business administration and government enterprises usually have a broad rooftop area, especially for factory buildings, which are mostly far from the downtown area, with sufficient lighting and unobstructed surroundings. They can establish a distributed power plant system for industry and commerce on idle roofs.


(2) Relieve local electricity shortage issues

工商业用电大,电价较高,工商业密集地区会造成当地电力短缺问题,影响居民正常用电。 通过建设工商业分布式电站系统,让工商业单位电量的“自发自用”,可以有效地缓解用电问题。


The high electricity consumption and high electricity prices in industrial and commercial areas can cause local power shortages, affecting the normal electricity consumption of residents. By constructing a distributed power plant system for industry and commerce, the spontaneous self use of electricity per unit can effectively alleviate the electricity consumption problem.


(3) Generate revenue from surplus electricity and increase revenue


Industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation is a high-yield investment project that can fully activate the fixed assets of enterprises. While solving the electricity consumption problem of enterprises, the remaining electricity can be sold to power companies for grid connection, selling electricity bills to increase income. Or as an independent investment project, implement full network access to obtain electricity sales revenue.


Clean and efficient, energy-saving and emission reduction


Industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation converts solar energy into electricity, which is clean, efficient, and pollution-free. Placing industrial and commercial distributed power plant systems on the roof of enterprises can help them achieve some energy-saving and emission reduction goals, help establish a good social image of the enterprise, and create social benefits for the enterprise.


The adaptability of photovoltaic system scenarios has rich project experience in application scenarios such as schools, tunnels, logistics parks, commercial centers, parking sheds, factories, and service areas.

  • TEL:0531-82390078
  • TEL:18805312017
  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com
  • 公司地址: 济南市历下区山大路157号
  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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