

发布时间:2024-02-26 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


Due to its large roof area, high electricity prices, and high electricity consumption, it is very cost-effective to use idle roofs for photovoltaic power generation systems in industrial and commercial areas. By utilizing the idle roofs of industrial and commercial buildings and combining them with photovoltaic power generation, the roofs can become a small clean power generation station. This not only saves electricity expenses for enterprises, but also improves the insulation condition of the roofs, making the factory more energy-efficient and bringing stable profits to the enterprise.



According to the different structures, industrial building roofs can be roughly divided into concrete roofs and steel structure roofs (which can be roughly divided into categories such as angle galloping, vertical locking edge, and wave shaped according to the type of colored steel tiles). The installation methods that can be adopted vary depending on the type of distributed photovoltaic roof. Photovoltaic engineering personnel said that before installing a distributed photovoltaic system, the safety of the building structure must be considered first. According to the current national building structure load code requirements, combined with the actual situation on site, a professional organization must be commissioned to conduct a structural bearing capacity review and verification of the building, especially the structural bearing capacity verification of steel structures. If there is any non-compliance with the code requirements, the building must be reinforced, Only then can we ensure the safety and reliability of the house.


Photovoltaic engineering personnel say that the main factors affecting the installation of photovoltaic systems are the load-bearing capacity of the roof, waterproofing conditions, building service life, the amount of obstructions, and roof area. The bearing capacity of concrete roofs can basically meet the requirements of distributed photovoltaics, and special attention should be paid to the distribution of pipes on the roof; For steel structure roofs, it is necessary to focus on calculating their bearing capacity. The existing technology can provide comprehensive services such as high-quality steel structure roof cold reinforcement, roof coating maintenance, roof construction, and waterproofing, integrating photovoltaic power generation with steel structure roofs to maximize power generation efficiency and building safety. The rooftop photovoltaic power generation system of the factory building can be installed in all regions of Henan Province


As the temperature drops, people are also beginning to worry about whether photovoltaic power generation systems can resist the harm of adverse weather. Photovoltaic engineering personnel say that distributed photovoltaic systems need to strictly control quality in accordance with the national building structural load specifications in order to better ensure safety and cope with adverse weather conditions such as winter rain and snow.


Recently, in the energy station of the second water purification plant in a certain area, a 104.5KW distributed solar photovoltaic power station was erected above the roof of the plant to make reasonable use of and develop clean new energy. After grid connected power generation, it is expected to generate 400000 kWh of green electricity annually, which not only has considerable economic benefits but also makes corresponding contributions to energy conservation, emission reduction, environmental governance, and reducing haze, and has good environmental and social benefits.

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  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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