

发布时间:2024-01-22 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


The roof of a factory building for solar power generation is a common application scenario for industrial and commercial photovoltaic power generation. Most factory buildings are located in relatively open areas far from downtown areas, with natural lighting advantages. At the same time, the large area of idle roofs of factory buildings also provides necessary prerequisites for the development of solar power generation on factory roofs. Especially for enterprises with high electricity consumption, the advantages of building rooftop solar power plants in factories are more obvious.


A large logistics park or industrial park with a wider roof area is more suitable for building rooftop photovoltaic power stations. Especially in large logistics parks, the daily operation of logistics equipment consumes a lot of electricity. As a cargo storage and turnover center, there are few obstructions around, and there is sufficient sunlight throughout the day. It can be said that it is very suitable for the construction requirements of industrial and commercial photovoltaic power stations.


商业屋顶近年来,国内越来越多的大型C B D商业建筑拔地而起,这些独栋或是集群式的商业综合体,有着广阔的屋顶面积,由于商业体自身用电量较大(像是写字楼、大型商场、超市等),更加适合建设工商业屋顶光伏电站,而且投资商业屋顶光伏电站的成本回收期会更短。

In recent years, more and more large CBD commercial buildings have emerged in China. These standalone or clustered commercial complexes have a wide roof area, and due to their high electricity consumption (such as office buildings, large shopping malls, supermarkets, etc.), they are more suitable for building commercial rooftop photovoltaic power stations. Moreover, the cost recovery period for investing in commercial rooftop photovoltaic power stations will be shorter.

公共单位公共单位多指医院、学校、政府大楼、机场、车站等。公共单位的屋顶面积通常较小,无法达到大型工厂厂房屋顶的面积,但是也是适合建设屋顶光伏电站的,装机容量通常在1 0 0~5 0 0 K W,但是这种公共单位在每个地区都相对较多,且屋顶大多处于闲置状态,因此也非常适合发展屋顶光伏发电。此外,公共单位具备一定的社会公信力,建设屋顶光伏电站,更有利于工商业光伏发电推广和普及。

Public units refer to hospitals, schools, government buildings, airports, stations, etc. The roof area of public units is usually small and cannot reach the area of large factory buildings, but it is also suitable for building rooftop photovoltaic power stations. The installed capacity is usually between 100 and 500 kW. However, these public units are relatively large in each region, and the roofs are mostly idle, making them very suitable for the development of rooftop photovoltaic power generation. In addition, public units have a certain degree of social credibility, and building rooftop photovoltaic power stations is more conducive to the promotion and popularization of photovoltaic power generation in the industrial and commercial sector.

其他应用场景以上是工商业光伏发电的四个主要应用场景,除此之外,工商业光伏发电还可以用在电信运营公司的信号基站,污水处理厂的污水处理池上方空间等。这些场景要么地处偏僻,需要持续的电力供应,要么就是项目本身耗电量巨大。在光伏产业“5 3 1新政”的影响下,工商业光伏发电在整个光伏产业中的地位越来越高,相较于传统的大型地面集中式光伏电站而言,工商业光伏发电更加贴近人们的生活,更有利于光伏发电的推广和普及。同时也能帮助很多工商政企单位创造额外的经济收益,达成部分节能减排目标。

The above are the four main application scenarios of industrial and commercial photovoltaic power generation. In addition, industrial and commercial photovoltaic power generation can also be used in signal base stations of telecommunications operators, spaces above sewage treatment tanks in sewage treatment plants, and so on. These scenarios are either located in remote areas that require continuous power supply, or the project itself consumes a huge amount of electricity. Under the influence of the "531 New Policy" in the photovoltaic industry, the position of commercial and industrial photovoltaic power generation in the entire photovoltaic industry is becoming increasingly high. Compared with traditional large-scale ground centralized photovoltaic power stations, commercial and industrial photovoltaic power generation is more closely related to people's lives and more conducive to the promotion and popularization of photovoltaic power generation. At the same time, it can also help many industrial, commercial, government, and enterprise units create additional economic benefits and achieve some energy-saving and emission reduction goals.


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