

发布时间:2024-01-15 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


1. Property ownership issue: According to the Urban and Rural Planning Law, buildings, houses, and structures that have not obtained a construction project planning license or have not been constructed in accordance with the provisions of the construction project planning license are considered illegal buildings. Urban and rural planning departments at or above the county level have the right to demand demolition within a specified time limit, confiscate physical objects or illegal income, and impose fines. In the early stage of leasing, in order to avoid any subsequent troubles and potential losses, the condition of the house should be investigated first. Whether the construction of the house complies with regulations, whether there is a construction planning permit, completion acceptance certificate, fire safety acceptance certificate, and property ownership certificate, and whether there is any mortgage or seizure. If the situation is unclear, caution should be exercised during leasing to avoid risks and unnecessary disputes in the future.



2. Roof usage issues: Before renting, the lessee should conduct a survey and evaluation of the roof structure and waterproofing issues of the house, and sign a written lease agreement that specifies the lease term, lease purpose, lease price, and repair of damage. The agreement should also be filed with the property management department to avoid unnecessary troubles and disputes during the construction and operation of the photovoltaic power station.


3. Contract Energy Management Issues: The Contract Energy Management Mechanism, abbreviated as EMC, is an energy-saving investment method that pays for the full cost of energy-saving projects by saving energy costs. Simply put, it refers to the allocation and consumption of electricity generated by photovoltaic power stations, and how to allocate it to maximize energy utilization efficiency. The electricity consumption of the lessor and whether there are large electricity users nearby are directly related to the consumption of electricity generated by the photovoltaic power station and the maximization of electricity utilization efficiency. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the credit status of the purchasing party.


In addition, the allocation and utilization of carbon emissions generated by photovoltaic power stations also affect the overall revenue of the power station. Therefore, how to manage and utilize energy to maximize utilization efficiency is also a problem that needs to be considered when renting roofs.


4. The issue of compensation for government expropriation and demolition: According to the Regulations on the Expropriation and Compensation of Buildings on State owned Land, the compensation object for government expropriation, demolition, production and business suspension is the expropriated person, which is the owner of the property rights of the house. The lessee cannot directly demand compensation from the government. Photovoltaic power stations are attached to buildings, and the state expropriates and demolishes buildings. Therefore, compensation for losses caused by the shutdown of photovoltaic power stations should include compensation for losses caused by the shutdown. However, photovoltaic power stations should prove their own business behavior, have a business license and relevant procedures to prove the legality of the project and operation. At the same time, it is necessary to prove the value of photovoltaic power stations and their current and future income situation. Another issue that needs to be addressed is how to allocate between the lessor and lessee after the compensation is in place.

  • TEL:0531-82390078
  • TEL:18805312017
  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com
  • 公司地址: 济南市历下区山大路157号
  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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