

发布时间:2024-01-08 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/


1、 Definition and scale


Distributed photovoltaic power generation usually refers to small photovoltaic power generation systems installed at the user end, with a power generation capacity generally ranging from several kilowatts to several hundred kilowatts. These systems are directly connected to the distribution network and provide electricity to users. In contrast, centralized photovoltaic power generation refers to the installation of large photovoltaic arrays in large power plants, with power generation typically ranging from several megawatts to hundreds of megawatts. These power stations usually transmit electricity to remote users through high-voltage transmission lines.


2、 System structure and operation mode


In terms of system structure, distributed photovoltaic power generation systems are usually directly connected to the distribution network, forming a grid connected system. In this system, the distribution network not only transmits electrical energy, but also provides necessary support for the photovoltaic system to ensure its stable operation. The centralized photovoltaic power station is connected to the power grid through high-voltage transmission lines, and its operation is subject to the scheduling and control of the power grid.


3、 Environmental Impact and Land Use



In terms of environmental impact, distributed photovoltaic power generation usually has a relatively small impact on the environment. Due to its small scale, the demand for land and water resources is low, and there is no need for large-scale land development during the installation process. However, centralized photovoltaic power stations often require large-scale land development due to their large scale, which may lead to the occupation of land resources and changes in the ecological environment. In addition, the construction of centralized power stations may also involve the use of water resources and changes in natural landscapes.


4、 Energy utilization and efficiency


In terms of energy utilization and efficiency, distributed photovoltaic power generation can better adapt to changes in electricity demand due to its proximity to users. Meanwhile, due to its small scale, relatively simple maintenance and operation, and high energy conversion efficiency. However, centralized photovoltaic power stations, due to their large scale, require a large amount of power transmission and conversion, which may lead to energy loss and reduced efficiency. In addition, the construction and maintenance costs of centralized power stations are usually high, requiring large-scale investment to achieve economic benefits.


5、 Scalability and flexibility


Distributed photovoltaic power generation has significant advantages in scalability and flexibility. With the advancement of technology and the reduction of costs, the scale and performance of distributed photovoltaic systems can be easily expanded and upgraded. In addition, due to its location on the user side, it can flexibly meet the energy needs and preferences of specific users. In contrast, the construction of centralized photovoltaic power stations requires large-scale investment and long-term planning, and their expansion and flexibility are relatively low.


6、 Economy and investment return


In terms of economy, distributed photovoltaic power generation usually has a higher investment return rate. Due to its small scale, low construction and operating costs, and ability to quickly recover investment. In addition, due to the fact that distributed photovoltaic systems can provide users with electricity supply guarantees and energy-saving benefits, their economic benefits are more significant. The construction cost of centralized photovoltaic power stations is relatively high, and large-scale capital investment and long-term operation are required to achieve economic benefits.

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  • MAI:sdzdny001@163.com
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  • 金佰利中国蓝天·山东种电
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