

发布时间:2023-11-11 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
Users who install solar panels must hope to receive more sunlight. The installation position of solar panels is not good enough, and the obstruction of surrounding trees and other obstacles can affect the reception of light. If solar panels cannot guarantee to always face the sun, we cannot help but doubt whether they are worth investing.
In fact, although some factors can affect the power generation efficiency of solar panels, renewable energy technologies can work under most conditions. The power generation efficiency of solar panels is closely related to their installation location. This article will introduce how users can determine the optimal location for solar panels based on their own situation.
Why is the installation position of solar panels important?
Photovoltaic solar panels generate electricity by absorbing sunlight. Solar panels not only directly absorb sunlight, but also collect sunlight reflected from other places.
Because the main source of sunlight is direct sunlight, it is important to find a suitable installation location for solar panels that can be exposed to maximum sunlight. Ideally, the light should be perpendicular to the surface of the solar panel. But at the same time, it is also necessary to consider two factors: different residential locations of users and changes in the angle of sunlight exposure.
Orientation of solar panels
The optimal orientation of solar panels is related to the hemisphere location where the user resides. If the user lives in an area north of the equator, the solar panels should face south. This is because the sun shines directly on the equator, so if you live in the area north of the equator and have the solar panels facing south, it can be exposed to sunlight to the maximum extent in the next year.
If the user lives in the southern hemisphere, the situation is exactly the opposite. The solar panels should face north so that they can be exposed to sunlight throughout the year.
This is a good strategy for year-round solar power generation, but there are also ways to maximize the utilization of solar energy during peak hours. If your power supplier uses time-of-use pricing, during peak hours when electricity prices are high, users can install solar panels facing west to reduce expenses. Observations have found that solar energy facing west generates 50% more electricity during peak hours than alternative products facing south.
The angle of the solar panel
However, the installation position of solar panels is not the only determining factor, and their installation angle also affects efficiency. Adjusting the installation angle is to allow sunlight to shine vertically on the panel and obtain as much solar energy as possible. Although certain types of roofs may have certain limitations, the angle of the panels can usually be modified during installation.
Setting the tilt angle to be the same as the user's geographic latitude is a common way to find the optimal angle for solar panels. For example, if the user is in an area with a latitude of 40 degrees, the angle of the solar panel is also 40 degrees. During winter, it is recommended that the panel tilt should be 15 degrees higher than the geographic latitude, which can further improve the efficiency of solar panels.
Finding the ideal orientation and angle for installing solar panels will help improve their overall efficiency and power generation capacity, but do not overly pursue perfection. Installing rooftop solar panels is very useful regardless of the region where the user resides or the orientation of the panels.
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