

发布时间:2023-08-17 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
阳能光伏发电:是将太阳能直接转换为电能的技术称为光伏发电技术。太阳能是取之不尽的,只要有太阳光,随时都有电。企业利用建筑屋面的优势、建立光伏电站安全可靠,无噪声,无污染,不仅起到了发电这个功效而且还增加了建筑的美感, 并为企业创造效益。
Yang energy photovoltaic power generation: The technology of directly converting solar energy into electricity is called photovoltaic power generation technology. Solar energy is inexhaustible, as long as there is sunlight, there is always electricity. By utilizing the advantages of building roofs and establishing photovoltaic power stations that are safe, reliable, noise free, and pollution-free, enterprises not only achieve the power generation effect but also increase the aesthetic appeal of the building and create benefits for the enterprise.
1. The solar Hanfu photovoltaic power generation system has a short construction cycle, long-term benefits, and can operate efficiently and stably for more than 25 years, thus bringing long-term and stable benefits to enterprises. The photovoltaic power generation system has become a standard configuration for enterprises in the new era.
2. Laying photovoltaic panels on a large area of the roof has thermal insulation effect
The photovoltaic power station has established an insulation layer for the roof of the enterprise, improving the insulation condition of the roof, increasing the air flow in the middle and reducing direct sunlight. It effectively reduces the temperature of the factory building by 3-5 degrees for the top floors, reducing energy consumption, internal temperature of the factory, and improving the working environment of workers, reducing the cost of cooling in summer.
3. Revitalizing fixed assets and increasing corporate income:
Some productive enterprises have roofs ranging from a few thousand square meters to tens of thousands of square meters. After installing photovoltaic systems on the roofs of enterprises, these large areas of idle space have become valuable resources, activating their fixed assets and increasing their profits.
4. Save peak electricity bills and sell surplus electricity online
After installing rooftop photovoltaic power generation, it can save peak electricity costs for enterprises (with more peak electricity generated during the day), fully meeting the electricity needs of enterprises during the day, allowing enterprises to no longer bear high peak and average electricity prices, and saving electricity costs. This photovoltaic power generation not only solves the power consumption problem of the enterprise itself, but also creates new economic benefits for the enterprise with additional power generation.
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