

发布时间:2023-07-10 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
1. Renewable energy: Photovoltaic power generation uses solar energy to convert into electricity, which belongs to clean and renewable energy. Compared to traditional coal-fired and other energy sources, photovoltaic power generation does not emit pollutants and greenhouse gases, making it environmentally friendly.
2. Economic benefits: The rooftop photovoltaic power generation of the factory can achieve spontaneous self use and surplus electricity grid connection, and can enjoy a series of preferential policies from the national government for photovoltaic power generation. By self use, enterprises can reduce the cost of purchasing electricity and reduce production costs; By connecting surplus electricity to the grid, excess electricity can be integrated into the grid, achieving electricity sales and increasing corporate income.
3. Space utilization: The roof of a factory building is usually a relatively flat and spacious space, suitable for installing photovoltaic power generation equipment. Utilizing the roof of the factory building for photovoltaic power generation does not occupy additional land resources and greatly utilizes the existing building space.
4. Sustainable development: Photovoltaic power generation is a form of sustainable energy that aligns with the sustainable development strategy of enterprises. By adopting photovoltaic power generation, enterprises can reduce their dependence on traditional energy, reduce energy security risks, and enhance their corporate image and competitiveness.
It should be noted that the installation of photovoltaic power generation on the roof of the factory building needs to consider factors such as factory structure, wind force, sunlight, and ensure the safe and reliable operation of the equipment. At the same time, it is also necessary to comply with relevant safety regulations and standards during the design and construction process.
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