

发布时间:2023-06-06 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
By comparing and analyzing several common new energy sources such as biomass energy, hydro energy, wind energy, and solar energy, it is clear that solar power generation has the following unique advantages.
(1) Photovoltaic power generation has economic advantages
The economy of solar energy utilization can be seen from two aspects: firstly, solar energy is inexhaustible, and there is no "tax" on receiving solar energy, which can be used anywhere; Secondly, at the current level of technological development, the utilization of some solar energy has become economically viable. With the development of technology and breakthroughs in human development and utilization of solar energy technology, the economic benefits of solar energy utilization will become more apparent. If the 20th century is the century of oil, then the 21st century is the century of renewable energy (the century of solar energy).
From the perspective of the construction cost of solar photovoltaic power stations, with the large-scale application and promotion of solar photovoltaic power generation, especially the increasingly mature upstream crystalline silicon industry and photovoltaic power generation technology, the composite development and utilization of building roofs, exterior walls, and other platforms, the construction cost of solar photovoltaic power generation per kilowatt is becoming lower and lower. Compared with other renewable energy sources, it has the same economic advantages, and with the implementation of national affordable policies, Its popularization will become increasingly widespread.
(2) Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of renewable energy
According to calculations, the total amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface within a year is approximately 1.892x10 ^ 24 tons of standard coal, which is 10000 times the proven reserves of the world's main energy sources. The lifespan of the sun is at least 4 billion years, and compared to human history, the continuous supply of solar energy to the Earth can be said to be infinite. This determines that the development and utilization of solar energy will be the most effective way for humanity to solve the shortage and depletion of conventional energy.
(3) No pollution to the environment
Solar energy, like clean energy such as wind energy and tidal energy, produces almost no pollution during its development and utilization. In addition, its unlimited reserves make it an ideal alternative energy source for humanity. Due to the large amount of toxic and harmful substances emitted by traditional fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) during their use, they can cause serious pollution to water, soil, and atmosphere, forming a greenhouse effect and acid rain, seriously endangering human living environment and physical health. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new and cleaner alternative energy sources. As a relatively ideal clean energy source, solar energy is receiving increasing attention from countries around the world.
From the current carbon emission rates (g/kW · h) of various power generation methods, excluding their upstream links: coal power generation is 275g/kW · h, oil power generation is 204g/kW · h, natural gas power generation is 181g/kW · h, wind power generation is 20g/kW · h, and solar photovoltaic power generation is close to zero emissions. Moreover, during the power generation process, there is no discharge of waste residue, waste, wastewater, or exhaust gas, no noise, no harmful substances to human health, and no environmental pollution.
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