

发布时间:2023-05-25 发布人:金佰利中国·种电 发布来源://tianjibiotech.com/
The so-called industrial and commercial photovoltaic system is an important form of large-scale utilization of solar energy. It is a technology that uses the photovoltaic effect of semiconductor interface to directly convert light energy into electricity. It mainly consists of three parts: solar panels (components), controllers, and inverters, and the main components are composed of electronic components. Solar cells can be packaged and protected in series to form a large area of solar cell components, which can be combined with power controllers and other components to form
Photovoltaic power generation
Product characteristics of industrial and commercial photovoltaic systems:
Utilizing idle roofs to earn profits, with low investment and stable returns, it has the characteristics of environmental protection, fashion, aesthetics, spontaneous self use, surplus electricity connected to the internet, enjoying national subsidies, insulation, rain protection, and extending the service life of roofs. The rooftop solar module absorbs sunlight and generates direct current that is converted into alternating current through an inverter for use in household electrical lighting. The electricity generated by photovoltaic power stations, except for self use, will be uploaded to the power grid to receive corresponding electricity price income and government subsidies.
这种分布式光伏发电系统结构是太阳能与建筑的完美结合,专门为工商业屋顶设计的发电系统,环保、时尚、美观自发自用,余电上网,享受补贴。采用模块化安装,快捷方便 隔热,使用寿命可达25年。
This distributed photovoltaic power generation system structure is a perfect combination of solar energy and buildings, specifically designed for industrial and commercial rooftops. It is environmentally friendly, fashionable, and aesthetically pleasing, and can be used for self use. The remaining electricity is connected to the grid and enjoys national subsidies. Adopting modular installation, fast and convenient insulation, with a service life of up to 25 years.
工商业光伏系统适合安装于企事业单位、学校、 医院、商厦、写字楼、酒店、商场、 工业厂房等集中用电大户,分布式并网系统可以就地消纳,抵消一部分网购用电量,节省用户的电费,或者全额上网,换取收入。
Industrial and commercial photovoltaic systems are suitable for installation in enterprises and institutions, schools, hospitals, commercial buildings, office buildings, hotels, shopping malls, industrial factories, and other concentrated power users. Distributed grid connected systems can consume electricity locally, offset a portion of online purchases, save users' electricity bills, or fully access the internet in exchange for income.
The above is an introduction to what industrial and commercial photovoltaic systems are and their characteristics. It is not difficult to see that industrial and commercial photovoltaic systems have a very wide range of applications, and there can be subsidies without paying electricity bills, with stable profits. It can reduce energy consumption and fully utilize idle resources, bringing huge economic and environmental benefits to enterprises
Industrial and commercial photovoltaic systems
工商业光伏系统的模式是光伏并网发电原理,并网发电系统就是太阳能光伏发电系统 与常规电网相连,共同承担供电任务。当有阳光时,逆变器将光伏系统所发的直流电逆变成正弦交流电,产生的交流电可以直接供给交流负载,然后将剩余的电能输入电网,或者直接将产生的全部电能并入电网。在没有太阳时,负载用电全部由电网供给。
The mode of industrial and commercial photovoltaic systems is based on the principle of photovoltaic grid connected power generation. Grid connected power generation systems are solar photovoltaic power generation systems connected to the conventional power grid to jointly undertake power supply tasks. When there is sunlight, the inverter converts the direct current generated by the photovoltaic system into sinusoidal alternating current. The generated alternating current can be directly supplied to the AC load, and then the remaining energy can be input into the grid, or all the generated energy can be directly integrated into the grid. When there is no sun, all load electricity is supplied by the power grid.
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This article is dedicated to the friendship of industrial and commercial photovoltaic power generation. For more relevant knowledge, please click on: //tianjibiotech.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned.
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